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Environmental Enhancement Project - EEP

Welcome to the Environmental Enhancement Project (aka EEP!) EEP is a major enhancement to the legacy Windlight environments, introducing new inventory object for defining the environmental settings. To properly experience EEP you will need ALM (Advanced Lighting Model) enabled under your graphics settings.


Where Can I See EEP

EEP is now available on all regions.

Personal Lighting

This EEP RC includes a new Personal Lighting floater. When you open this floater it will snap an image of the current shared environment wherever you are standing. You are presented with a number of controls that allow you to make quick modifications to the environment, including sun and moon position, ambient lighting, and more!

These changes will persist until you log out or select “Use Shared Environment” from the World>Environment menu, so you can close the floater to get it out of your way.

Importing my old settings

You can import your old Windlight settings into EEP.

  1. Open an environment editor (Daycycle, Sky, or Water)
  2. Select the Import button - This will open a file picker dialog
  3. Navigate to where you have stored your Windlight XML files and select the file you would like to import - This is usually SecondLifeViewer/app_settings/windlight/

You should import Windlights of the same type as the editor you have open (Daycycle, Sky, or Water) Windlight XML files are very sensitive to the directory structure. Files should be laid out as follows:


Where To Find Out More

For more information about EEP, check out the wiki pages.

Have questions or want to show off what you’ve created? Join us on the forums.

Resolved Issues