Fixed an issue in which certain flags were being lost on region crossings and re-rez
Fixed some instances in which owner-scheduled region restarts would fail to trigger
Fixed issues with the on_damage event failing to trigger after script state changes
Fixed some crash modes
Improved the smoothness of simulator performance when avatars with resource-heavy attachments arrive (via TP or region crossing)
The rezzing of an incoming avatar’s attachments is now more time-limited within each simulation frame, with attachments rezzing over a greater number of simulator frames if necessary
As a result, the simulator performance is much closer to its ideal rate of 45FPS as avatars arrive
Things to expect with this change:
Cases where arriving avatars previously produced frame times of 100s or 1000s of milliseconds may now complete in the 30-50 ms range
The responsible avatar’s delayed arrival may interact negatively when driving a vehicle during region crossing
New LSL function: llFindNotecardTextSync(): Searches the cached text of a notecard for all occurrences of the given search regex
Regex patterns specified in and llLinksetDataFindKeys() and llFindNotecardTextSync() may now be prefixed with “(?i)” to specify a case-insensitive search
Added simulator support for custom texture repeats, offsets, and rotations for each PBR material applied to terrain. Viewer support needed to modify settings and see settings applied to terrain.
The GroupMemberData capability now supports optional “page_start” and “page_size” parameters for returning a paginated list of group members
Resolved Issues
server#1313 combat2 Script stops reacting to on_damage after state change and state_exit